From the HoolaHpoop navigation hover over Webstore and select 'Manage Inventory'.

Click on the Add Product Button

There are multiple tabs to enter data and details about each product.


1. Enter the name of the product

2. Enter a unique product code (if applicable)

3. Enter $0.00 for USD and/or CAD price of product

4. Enter either $0.00, ot leave blank MSRP USD and/or CAD of product

5. Enter a version number if applicable

6. Product URL will auto-populate, but is editable. The URL must be unique 

7. Display order determines where in the list the product will show. If the value is set to one, it will be the first item in the list. 

8. Click on the choose file button to add a spec document

9. Select all of the categories the product applies to.
If there is not an existing applicable category enter a new category title beside the Create Category field and click on the add icon (orange plus sign).
This will bring the new category into the list below and can then be selected

10. Tax exemptions can be left blank


Toggle between full description and the short description of the product. Apply applicable styles to text.

Click on Save Description before toggling and before saving and closing the product


Enter values in the measurements field for shipping cost estimates

Price Tiers

Price tiers are not applicable for the Catalog module, so this tab can e skipped and left blank


Click on 'Upload Images' and select an image from your computer.

Multiple images can be uploaded for the product. The first image in the section will be what displays as the thumbnail.

The order of the images can be changed by clicking on the grey cross arrow symbol and dragging it.

Images can have descriptions and seo tags applied by clicking on the edit icon below the image.

Click on 'Edit Images' to set the thumbnail size. To crop, resize, and adjust quality click on the image itself.


Set up multiple options for users to be able to specify sizes, colours, etc. 

1. To set up the Option category select whether or not there are multiple options, or a single option

Set up Multiple Options when there are more than one options for the user to choose from such as colour, size, and height

Set up Single option when only one option can be selected. in this case if size, colours and height were options, only one could be selected, so either red, or small, not small red 

2. Enter the Option name

3. Select if it is required. If not, leave Required field unchecked.

4. Click on Save. This will create an option group that will be display in the options list below

5. To add an option click on the green plus icon beside the Option Group

6. A popup box will come up titled "Edit Product Options" fill in the applicable fields, and save.

    Note: Surcharge/ Alt charge is a required field. If no charge applies, select an option and enter $0.00

             If the options is to determine the number of products select Manage Qty and additional fields will appear to specify quantity details


Use this tab to select, or create new search engine optimization profile applicable to the product if applicable.


The availability tab is not applicable for the catalog module. It manages who the product is available for and the product inventory.