Create Rules to show or hide questions based off of the answers to questions
To create a new rule:
1. Click on 'Add New Rule'
2. A box will come up with two tabs 'Condition' and 'Action' the first step is to set up a condition, so click on 'Add Condition'
3. Select the question and the value of the question that an action should be made on. For example when the question "Reason for Contact is answered with "Specific Reason" it should give a field for the reason to be described. In this case select "reaason for Contact" in the when field and select "Specific Reason for Contact" for is 'is' field
4. Next, click on the action tab
5. Create a name for the rule in the 'Name' field
6. Select the action. In this case we want to show a question because we want to the description box to display when "Specific reason For Contact" is selected
7. slect the question to display, which will be the question "Describe"
8. Save the rule