To create a blog post go to Manage Content/Blog and click on 'Add Blog Post'
1. Enter the title of the blog post in the field "Post Title"
2. "Permalink" will auto-populate with the post title
3. Select the page template 'Blog'
4. Enter the body of the blog in "Post Contents" and apply applicable styles.
5. Select to either save the blog as a draft, publish immediately, or publish on a specific date.
6. Link the blog post to a Blog.
7. Link the post to a the applicable Category, as well as selecting 'All'
Once all details are entered click on Save.
Note: The blog post must be linked to a Blog and Category in order to display on the blog page.
Custom Header
The custom header controls the images that display in the main blog page for the blog preview.
Click on the Browse button to select the images for used for 'Wide Header Preview' and 'Column Header Preview'