Email Templates are used to send users and administrators to provide form information and confirmation of form submission.
Follow the steps below to create an email template
1. Go to Form Builder/Email Templates
2. Click on the Add Email Template button
3. Enter a name for the template. This name will only be viewed by administrators in HoolaHoop to identify each template.
4. Enter the Subject of te email template. The subject is the subject line that displays when the email is sent.
5. Fill in the body of the email with notes and merge tags for the information that needs to be pulled from the form. See infor on merge tags below.
Merge Tags
Merge Tags are used to include form field submissions into the notification email that goes out to users and/or administrators.
To setup a merge tag, first, edit the question you'd like to 'merge' into the email notification and set its Merge Tag field; for this example we'll use MYFIELD.
The entry into the question settings popup window does not need the asterisk or lines.
Then, in the email template, simply type *|MYFIELD|* wherever you'd like the value of that field submission to appear.
The merge tag entry into the email template does need the asterisk and lines.
6. Click on Save to complete the template.