With the Re-Order function in the Order History, customers who want to have the same order placed on a regular basis, or one more additional time, don't have to submit the order multiple times. Follow the steps below to place the order multiple times.

1. From the HoolaHoop navigation menu select Webstore/Order History

2. Locate the order required using the main view or search function

3. On the far right of the screen click on Re-Order

The order summary will appear beginning with shipping and billing address. Details can be changed as required. When the details are correct click either 'Next' at the top of the page, or 'Continue' at the bottom

Note: to skip over to any part of the process select the next option in the 'Go To' field at the bottom of the page

Create Order:

1. Select member: If the person ordering has an account with data that matches what should be filled in on the order information select the member and it will be populated.

2. Shipping Address is the address the order will ship to. Id different than the opriginal order, or member data, adjust manually

3. Billing Address is the address that will be billed for the purchase. if it is the same as shipping click on the 'Copy Shipping' button. If different, adjust manually

4. Click on Continue to view the products ordered

5. The Products ordered displays the details of the product on the order. Update quantity, add a promo code, or add products by clicking on the corresponding buttons. CLick on continue to go to shipping

6. On the shipping section select the applicable shipping for the order and click on continue to Checkout

7.  Review the cart and submit the order