To set up the shipping options for the online store hover over Webstore in the HoolaHoop navigation bar and select Store Setup.
There are three tabs in the shipping options section: Origin Address, Canada Post, Fedex, and UPS.
Origin Address
Source address of outgoing shipments to customers. Used by Canada Post, UPS and Fedex shipping options in rate determination
Canada Post
1. To enable this option for shipping rate determination click Enabled.
2. Select whether API is old or new
3. Enter the CPC ID obtained from Canada Post's Sell Online services.
1. To enable this option for shipping rate determination click Enabled.
2. Enter the Fedex Account obtained from Fedex
3. Enter the Meter number obtained from Fedex.
1. To enable this option for shipping rate determination click Enabled.
2. Enter your UPS shipping account User ID
3. Enter your UPS shipping account
4. Enter your UPS License Key obtained from UPS.
5. If known, select the packaging type
6. If known, select the pickup type