From the HoolaHoop navigation hover over "Webstore" and select "Webstore Setup, and click on Edit Settings
General Settings
1. Store Name is the name of the online store as it appears on invoices.
2. Contact email field is the address that all invoices will be sent to.
3. Account Required checkbox detemines whether users will need to have an account with the website to use the store.
4. New Customers contains a list of Membership Classes entered under System Accounts -> Site Members. New customers of the online store will be registered under this class when they first create their accounts before ordering.
5. "Shipping Method"
- This options specifies how the online store will calculate shipping rates. In most cases, leave this as default if you already have custom shipping calculation setup by Circle Graphics.
- If Circle Graphics didn't setup custom shipping calculation, its still best to leave this setting as default, and to enter your account info for Canada Post, UPS, or Fedex to the right under Checkout Options.
- If there are specific shipping rate policy based on order contents, amount, or customer location, please contact Circle Graphics.
6. The "Use Inventory" checkbox determines whether or not the inventory of items will be tracked in the website
7. Enabling Use Private Content setting instructs the web store module to look for private template content when displaying product pages, category pages, etc.
8. When the Terms and Conditions checkbox is selected users will have to agree to terms and conditions before proceeding.
To edit the terms and conditions, click on the blue pencil icon beside the checkbox
9. Logo: select a file and size it for the company or webstore logo
10. Enter any office address information that should appear on customer invoice's here.
11. Select an SEO profile that should be used on the store pages.
Store Currency Settings
1. Store currency specifies the type of currency that will display on the store
2. If Currency Switching is set to Yes then users will have the options of buying products in USD or CAD. Otherwise, they will be restricted to the currency specified in Store Currency
3. If Hide $0 Products is set to Yes, then products with $0 for the currently displayed currency will be unavailable to users. You can use this option to make certain products available to US or Canadian citizens separately.
Store Template Settings
Select the applicable template that should show on the corresponding page
Store Image Settings
1. The size of smaller images known as thumbnails when product categories are displayed in a list format. Images that are uploaded will be scaled to this size while maintaining aspect ratio (the ratio of the image's height to its width.) and saved as a separate image.
2. The large image size for images displayed with categories (if applicable to your site's design.) Images that are uploaded will be scaled to this size while maintaining aspect ratio (the ratio of the image's height to its width.)
3. The size of thumbnails when products are displayed on a category or filter/search results screen. Images that are uploaded will be scaled to this size while maintaining aspect ratio (the ratio of the image's height to its width.) and saved as a separate image.
4. The size of the image to be displayed on product information screens. Images that are uploaded will be scaled to this size while maintaining aspect ratio (the ratio of the image's height to its width.)